API reference

Module contents

A speedy LookML parser and serializer implemented in pure Python.


Command-line entry point for lkml.

lkml.dump(obj: dict, file_object: IO | None = None) str | None

Serialize a Python dictionary into LookML.

  • obj – The Python dictionary to be serialized to LookML

  • file_object – An optional file object to save the LookML string to


A LookML string if no file_object is passed

lkml.load(stream: str | IO) dict

Parse LookML into a Python dictionary.


stream – File object or string containing LookML to be parsed


TypeError – If stream is neither a string or a file object

lkml.parse(text: str) DocumentNode

Parse LookML into a parse tree.


text – The LookML string to be parsed.


A document node, the root of the parse tree.

lkml.parse_args(args: Sequence) Namespace

Parse command-line arguments.

lkml.keys module

Defines constant sequences of LookML keys and helper methods.

lkml.keys.pluralize(key: str) str

Converts a singular key like “explore” to a plural key, e.g. ‘explores’.

lkml.keys.singularize(key: str) str

Converts a plural key like “explores” to a singular key, e.g. ‘explore’.

lkml.lexer module

Splits a LookML string into a sequence of tokens.

class lkml.lexer.Lexer(text: str)

Splits a LookML string into a sequence of tokens.


Raw LookML to parse, padded with null character to denote end of stream


Position of lexer in characters as it traverses the text


Sequence of tokens that contain the relevant chunks of text


Position of lexer in lines as it traverses the text

advance(length: int = 1) None

Moves the index forward by n characters.


length – The number of positions forward to move the index.

static check_for_expression_block(string: str) bool

Returns True if the input string is an expression block.

consume() str

Returns the current index character and advances the index 1 character.

peek() str

Returns the character at the current index of the text being lexed.

peek_multiple(length: int) str

Returns the next n characters from the current index in the text being lexed.


length – The number of characters to return

scan() Tuple[Token, ...]

Tokenizes LookML into a sequence of tokens.

This method skips through the text being lexed until it finds a character that indicates the start of a new token. It consumes the relevant characters and adds the tokens to a sequence until it reaches the end of the text.

scan_comment() CommentToken

Returns a token from a comment.

The initial pound (#) character is consumed in the scan method, so this method only scans for a newline or end of file to indicate the end of the token.

The pound character is added back to the beginning to the token to emphasize the importance of any leading whitespace that follows.


>>> lexer = Lexer(" Disregard this line\n")
>>> lexer.scan_comment()
CommentToken(# Disregard this line)
scan_expression_block() ExpressionBlockToken

Returns an token from an expression block string.

This method strips any trailing whitespace from the expression string, since Looker usually adds an extra space before the ;; terminal.


>>> lexer = Lexer("SELECT * FROM ${TABLE} ;;")
>>> lexer.scan_expression_block()
ExpressionBlockToken(SELECT * FROM ${TABLE})
scan_literal() LiteralToken

Returns a token from a literal string.


>>> lexer = Lexer("yes")
>>> lexer.scan_literal()
scan_quoted_literal() QuotedLiteralToken

Returns a token from a quoted literal string.

The initial double quote character is consumed in the scan method, so this method only scans for the trailing quote to indicate the end of the token.


>>> lexer = Lexer('Label"')
>>> lexer.scan_quoted_literal()
scan_whitespace() WhitespaceToken

Returns a token from one or more whitespace characters.

>>> lexer = Lexer("
>>> lexer.scan_whitespace()

‘, 1)

lkml.parser module

Parses a sequence of tokenized LookML into a parse tree.

class lkml.parser.CommaSeparatedValues(_values: list = <factory>, trailing_comma: ~lkml.tree.Comma | None = None, leading_comma: ~lkml.tree.Comma | None = None)

Helper class to store a series of values and a flag for a trailing comma.


Add a value to the private _values list.

leading_comma: Comma | None = None
trailing_comma: Comma | None = None
property values: tuple

Return the private _values list, cast to a tuple.

class lkml.parser.Parser(stream: Sequence[Token])

Parses a sequence of tokenized LookML into a parse tree.

This parser is a recursive descent parser which uses the grammar listed below (in PEG format). Each grammar rule aligns with a corresponding method (e.g. parse_expression).

  • expression(block / pair / list)*

  • blockkey literal? "{" expression "}"

  • pairkey value

  • listkey "[" csv? "]"

  • csv(literal / quoted_literal) ("," (literal / quoted_literal))* ","?

  • valueliteral / quoted_literal / expression_block

  • keyliteral ":"

  • expression_block[^;]* ";;"

  • quoted_literal'"' [^\"]+ '"'

  • literal[0-9A-Za-z_]+


A sequence of tokens to be parsed.


The position in the token sequence being parsed.


The farthest index of progress during parsing.


The level of recursion into nested expressions.


A flag indicating that debug messages should be logged. This flag exits to turn off logging flow entirely, which provides a small performance gain compared to parsing at a non-debug logging level.

advance(length: int = 1)

Moves the index forward by n characters.


length – The number of positions forward to move the index.

check(*token_types: Type[Token], skip_trivia: bool = False) bool

Compares the current index token type to specified token types.

  • *token_types – A variable number of token types to check against.

  • skip_trivia – Ignore trivia tokens when searching for a match.


TypeError – If one or more of the token_types are not actual token types


True if the current token matches one of the token_types.

consume() Token

Returns the current index character and advances the index by 1 token.

consume_token_value() str

Returns the value of the current index token, advancing the index 1 token.

consume_trivia(only_newlines: bool = False) str

Returns all continuous trivia values.

jump_to_index(index: int)

Sets the parser index to a specified value.

parse() DocumentNode

Main method of this class and a wrapper for the container parser.


A document node, the root node of the LookML parse tree.

parse_block() BlockNode | None

Returns a node that represents a LookML block.

Grammar: blockkey literal? "{" expression "}"


A node with the parsed block or None if the grammar doesn’t match.

parse_comma() Comma | None
parse_container() ContainerNode

Returns a container node that contains any number of children.

Grammar: expression(block / pair / list)*


A node with the parsed container or None if the grammar doesn’t match.


SyntaxError – If unable to find a matching grammar rule for the stream

parse_csv() CommaSeparatedValues | None

Returns a CSV object that represents comma-separated LookML values.


A container with the parsed values or None if the grammar doesn’t match


csv","? (literal / quoted_literal) ("," (literal / quoted_literal))* ","?

parse_key() Tuple[SyntaxToken, Colon] | None

Returns a syntax token that represents a literal key and colon character.

Grammar: keyliteral ":"


A tuple of syntax tokens with the parsed key and colon or None if the grammar doesn’t match.

parse_list() ListNode | None

Returns a node that represents a LookML list.

Grammar: listkey "[" csv? "]"


A node with the parsed list or None if the grammar doesn’t match

parse_pair() PairNode | None

Returns a dictionary that represents a LookML key/value pair.

Grammar: pairkey value


A dictionary with the parsed pair or None if the grammar doesn’t match.

parse_value(parse_prefix: bool = False, parse_suffix: bool = False) SyntaxToken | None

Returns a syntax token that represents a value.

Grammar: valueliteral / quoted_literal / expression_block


A syntax token with the parsed value or None if the grammar doesn’t match.

peek() Token

Returns the token at the current index.


Decorates parsing methods to backtrack to a previous position on failure.

This method sets a marker at the current position before attempting to run a parsing method. If the parsing method fails and returns None, it resets the index to the marker.

It also keeps track of the farthest index of progress in case all parsing methods fail and we need to return a SyntaxError to the user with a character number.


fn (Callable) – The method to be decorated for backtracking.

lkml.simple module

Interface classes between the parse tree and a data structure of primitives.

These classes facilitate parsing and generation to and from simple data structures like lists and dictionaries, and allow users to parse and generate LookML without needing to interact with the parse tree.

class lkml.simple.DictParser

Parses a Python dictionary into a parse tree.

Review the grammar specified for the Parser class to understand how LookML is represented. The grammar details the differences between blocks, pairs, keys, and values.


The name of the key at the previous level in a LookML block.


The number of indentations appropriate for the current position.


Whitespace representing one tab.


The type of the last node to be parsed.

decrease_level() None

Decreases the indent level of the current line by one tab.

expand_list(key: str, values: Sequence) List[BlockNode | ListNode | PairNode]

Expands and parses a list of values for a repeatable key.

  • key – A repeatable LookML field type (e.g. “views” or “dimension_groups”)

  • values – A sequence of objects to be parsed


A list of block, list, or pair nodes, depending on the list’s contents.

increase_level() None

Increases the indent level of the current line by one tab.

This also resets the latest node, mainly for formatting reasons.

property indent: str

Returns the level-adjusted indent.

is_plural_key(key: str) bool

Returns True if the key is a repeatable key.

For example, dimension can be repeated, but sql cannot be.

The key allowed_value is a special case and changes behavior depending on its parent key. If its parent key is access_grant, it is a list and cannot be repeated. Otherwise, it can be repeated.

The parent key query is also a special case, where children are kept as lists. See issue #53.


key – The name of the key to test.

property newline_indent: str

Returns a newline plus the current indent.

parse(obj: Dict[str, Any]) DocumentNode

Parses a primitive representation of LookML into a parse tree.

parse_any(key: str, value: str | list | tuple | dict) List[BlockNode | ListNode | PairNode] | BlockNode | ListNode | PairNode

Dynamically serializes a Python object based on its type.

  • key – A LookML field type (e.g. “suggestions” or “hidden”)

  • value – A string, tuple, or list to serialize


TypeError – If input value is not of a valid type


A generator of serialized string chunks

parse_block(key: str, items: Dict[str, Any], name: str | None = None) BlockNode

Serializes a dictionary to a LookML block.

  • key – A LookML field type (e.g. “dimension”)

  • fields – A dictionary to serialize (e.g. {“sql”: “${TABLE}.order_id”})

  • name – An optional name of the block (e.g. “order_id”)


A generator of serialized string chunks

parse_list(key: str, values: Sequence[str | Dict]) ListNode

Serializes a sequence to a LookML block.

  • key – A LookML field type (e.g. “fields”)

  • values – A sequence to serialize (e.g. [“orders.order_id”, “orders.item”])


A generator of serialized string chunks

parse_pair(key: str, value: str) PairNode

Serializes a key and value to a LookML pair.

  • key – A LookML field type (e.g. “hidden”)

  • value – The value string (e.g. “yes”)


A generator of serialized string chunks

static parse_token(key: str, value: str, force_quote: bool = False, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '') SyntaxToken

Parses a value into a token, quoting it if required by the key or forced.

  • key – A LookML field type (e.g. “hidden”)

  • value – The value string (e.g. “yes”)

  • force_quote – True if value should always be quoted


A generator of serialized string chunks

property prefix: str

Returns the currently appropriate, preceding whitespace.

resolve_filters(values: List[dict]) List[BlockNode] | ListNode

Parse the key filters according to the context.

In LookML, the filters key is wildly inconsistent and can have three different syntaxes. This method determines the syntax that should be used based on the context and parses the appropriate node.


values – The contents of the filters block. Provides context to resolve.


A block or list node depending on the resolution.

class lkml.simple.DictVisitor

Creates a primitive representation of the parse tree.

Traverses the parse tree and transforms each node type into a dict. Each dict is combined into one nested dict. Also handles the grouping of fields with plural keys like dimension or view into lists.


Tracks the level of nesting.

update_tree(target: Dict, update: Dict) None

Add one dictionary to an existing dictionary, handling certain repeated keys.

This method is primarily responsible for handling repeated keys in LookML like dimension or set, which can exist more than once in LookML but cannot be repeated in a Python dictionary.

This method checks the list of valid repeated keys and combines the values of that key in target and/or update into a list and assigns a plural key (e.g. dimensions instead of dimension).

  • target – Existing dictionary of parsed LookML

  • update – New dictionary to be added to target

  • KeyError – If update has more than one key

  • KeyError – If the key in update already exists and would overwrite existing

visit(document: DocumentNode) Dict[str, Any]
visit_block(node: BlockNode) Dict[str, Dict]

Creates a dict from a block node by visiting its children.

visit_container(node: ContainerNode) Dict[str, Any]

Creates a dict from a container node by visiting its children.

visit_list(node: ListNode) Dict[str, List]

Creates a dict from a list node by visiting its children.

visit_pair(node: PairNode) Dict[str, str]

Creates a dict from pair node by visiting its type and value tokens.

visit_token(token: SyntaxToken) str

Creates a string from a syntax token.

lkml.simple.flatten(sequence: list) list

Flattens a singly-nested list of lists into a list of items.

lkml.tokens module

Tokens used by the lexer to tokenize LookML.

class lkml.tokens.BlockEndToken(line_number: int)

Represents the end of a block.

id: str = '}'
value: str
class lkml.tokens.BlockStartToken(line_number: int)

Represents the start of a block.

id: str = '{'
value: str
class lkml.tokens.CommaToken(line_number: int)

Separates elements in a list.

id: str = ','
value: str
class lkml.tokens.CommentToken(value: str, line_number: int)

Represents a comment.

id: str = '<comment>'
value: str
class lkml.tokens.ContentToken(value: str, line_number: int)

Base class for LookML tokens that contain a string of content.

value: str
class lkml.tokens.ExpressionBlockEndToken(line_number: int)

Represents the end of an expression block.

id: str = ';;'
value: str
class lkml.tokens.ExpressionBlockToken(value: str, line_number: int)

Contains the value of an expression block.

id: str = '<expression block>'
line_number: int
value: str
class lkml.tokens.InlineWhitespaceToken(value: str, line_number: int)

Represents one or more whitespace characters.

id: str = '<inline whitespace>'
line_number: int
value: str
class lkml.tokens.LinebreakToken(value: str, line_number: int)

Represents a newline character.

id: str = '<linebreak>'
line_number: int
value: str
class lkml.tokens.ListEndToken(line_number: int)

Represents the end of a list.

id: str = ']'
value: str
class lkml.tokens.ListStartToken(line_number: int)

Represents the start of a list.

id: str = '['
value: str
class lkml.tokens.LiteralToken(value: str, line_number: int)

Contains the value of an unquoted literal.

id: str = '<literal>'
line_number: int
value: str
class lkml.tokens.QuotedLiteralToken(value: str, line_number: int)

Contains the value of a quoted literal.

id: str = '<quoted literal>'
line_number: int
value: str
class lkml.tokens.StreamEndToken(line_number: int)

Represents the end of a stream of characters.

id: str = '<stream end>'
value: str
class lkml.tokens.StreamStartToken(line_number: int)

Represents the start of a stream of characters.

id: str = '<stream start>'
value: str
class lkml.tokens.Token(line_number: int)

Base class for LookML tokens, lexed from LookML strings.

id: str = '<base token>'
value: str
class lkml.tokens.TriviaToken(value: str, line_number: int)

Represents a comment or whitespace.

line_number: int
value: str
class lkml.tokens.ValueToken(line_number: int)

Separates a key from a value.

id: str = ':'
line_number: int
value: str
class lkml.tokens.WhitespaceToken(value: str, line_number: int)

Represents one or more whitespace characters.

id: str = '<whitespace>'
line_number: int
value: str

lkml.tree module

Node and token classes that make up the parse tree.

class lkml.tree.BlockNode(type: SyntaxToken, left_brace: LeftCurlyBrace = LeftCurlyBrace(value='{', line_number=None, prefix='', suffix='\n'), right_brace: RightCurlyBrace = RightCurlyBrace(value='}', line_number=None, prefix='\n', suffix=''), colon: Colon | None = Colon(value=':', line_number=None, prefix='', suffix=' '), name: SyntaxToken | None = None, container: ContainerNode = ContainerNode())

A LookML block, enclosed in curly braces. Like view or dimension.


The field type, the value that precedes the colon.




A syntax token for the opening brace “{“.




A syntax token for the closing brace “}”.




An optional Colon SyntaxToken. If not supplied, a default colon is created with a single space suffix after the colon.


lkml.tree.Colon | None


An optional name token, the value that follows the colon.


lkml.tree.SyntaxToken | None


A container node that holds the block’s child nodes.



accept(visitor: Visitor) Any

Accepts a visitor and calls the visitor’s block method on itself.

property children: Tuple[BlockNode | PairNode | ListNode, ...]

Returns all child SyntaxNodes, but not SyntaxTokens.

colon: Colon | None = Colon(value=':', line_number=None, prefix='', suffix=' ')
container: ContainerNode = ContainerNode()
left_brace: LeftCurlyBrace = LeftCurlyBrace(value='{', line_number=None, prefix='', suffix='\n')
property line_number: int | None

Returns the line number of the first SyntaxToken in the node

name: SyntaxToken | None = None
right_brace: RightCurlyBrace = RightCurlyBrace(value='}', line_number=None, prefix='\n', suffix='')
type: SyntaxToken
class lkml.tree.Colon(value: 'str' = ':', line_number: 'Optional[int]' = None, prefix: 'str' = '', suffix: 'str' = '')
value: str = ':'
class lkml.tree.Comma(value: 'str' = ',', line_number: 'Optional[int]' = None, prefix: 'str' = '', suffix: 'str' = '')
value: str = ','
class lkml.tree.ContainerNode(items: Tuple[BlockNode | PairNode | ListNode, ...], top_level: bool = False)

A sequence of nodes, either at the top level of a document, or within a block.


A tuple of the contained nodes.


Tuple[lkml.tree.BlockNode | lkml.tree.PairNode | lkml.tree.ListNode, …]


If the container is the top level of the LookML document.




KeyError – If a key already exists in the tree and would be overwritten.

accept(visitor: Visitor) Any

Accepts a visitor and calls the visitor’s container method on itself.

property children: Tuple[BlockNode | PairNode | ListNode, ...]

Returns all child SyntaxNodes, but not SyntaxTokens.

items: Tuple[BlockNode | PairNode | ListNode, ...]
line_number() int | None

Returns the line number of the first SyntaxToken in the node

top_level: bool = False
class lkml.tree.DocumentNode(container: ContainerNode, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '')

The root node of the parse tree.


The top-level container node.




Leading whitespace or comments before the document.




Trailing whitespace or comments after the document.



accept(visitor: Visitor) Any

Accepts a visitor and calls the visitor’s visit method on itself.

property children: Tuple[ContainerNode]

Returns all child SyntaxNodes, but not SyntaxTokens.

container: ContainerNode
property line_number: int | None

Returns the line number of the first SyntaxToken in the node

prefix: str = ''
suffix: str = ''
class lkml.tree.DoubleSemicolon(value: 'str' = ';;', line_number: 'Optional[int]' = None, prefix: 'str' = '', suffix: 'str' = '')
value: str = ';;'
class lkml.tree.ExpressionSyntaxToken(value: 'str', line_number: 'Optional[int]' = None, prefix: 'str' = ' ', suffix: 'str' = '', expr_suffix: 'str' = ' ')
expr_suffix: str = ' '
prefix: str = ' '
class lkml.tree.LeftBracket(value: 'str' = '[', line_number: 'Optional[int]' = None, prefix: 'str' = '', suffix: 'str' = '')
value: str = '['
class lkml.tree.LeftCurlyBrace(value: 'str' = '{', line_number: 'Optional[int]' = None, prefix: 'str' = '', suffix: 'str' = '')
value: str = '{'
class lkml.tree.ListNode(type: SyntaxToken, items: Tuple[PairNode, ...] | Tuple[SyntaxToken, ...], left_bracket: LeftBracket, right_bracket: RightBracket, colon: Colon = Colon(value=':', line_number=None, prefix='', suffix=' '), leading_comma: Comma | None = None, trailing_comma: Comma | None = None)

A LookML list, enclosed in square brackets. Like fields or filters.


The field type, the value that precedes the colon.




A tuple of pair nodes or syntax tokens, depending on the list style.


Tuple[lkml.tree.PairNode, …] | Tuple[lkml.tree.SyntaxToken, …]


A syntax token for the opening bracket “[“.




A syntax token for the closing bracket “]”.




An optional Colon SyntaxToken. If not supplied, a default colon is created with a single space suffix after the colon.




Include a trailing comma after the last item.


lkml.tree.Comma | None

accept(visitor: Visitor) Any

Accepts a visitor and calls the visitor’s list method on itself.

property children: Tuple[PairNode, ...]

Returns all child SyntaxNodes, but not SyntaxTokens.

colon: Colon = Colon(value=':', line_number=None, prefix='', suffix=' ')
items: Tuple[PairNode, ...] | Tuple[SyntaxToken, ...]
leading_comma: Comma | None = None
left_bracket: LeftBracket
property line_number: int | None

Returns the line number of the first SyntaxToken in the node

right_bracket: RightBracket
trailing_comma: Comma | None = None
type: SyntaxToken
class lkml.tree.PairNode(type: SyntaxToken, value: SyntaxToken, colon: Colon = Colon(value=':', line_number=None, prefix='', suffix=' '))

A simple LookML field, e.g. hidden: yes.


The field type, the value that precedes the colon.




The field value, the value that follows the colon.




An optional Colon SyntaxToken. If not supplied, a default colon is created with a single space suffix after the colon.



accept(visitor: Visitor) Any

Accepts a visitor and calls the visitor’s pair method on itself.

property children: None

Returns all child SyntaxNodes, but not SyntaxTokens.

colon: Colon = Colon(value=':', line_number=None, prefix='', suffix=' ')
property line_number: int | None

Returns the line number of the first SyntaxToken in the node

type: SyntaxToken
value: SyntaxToken
class lkml.tree.QuotedSyntaxToken(value: str, line_number: int | None = None, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '')
format_value() str

Returns the value itself, subclasses may modify the value first.

value: str
class lkml.tree.RightBracket(value: 'str' = ']', line_number: 'Optional[int]' = None, prefix: 'str' = '', suffix: 'str' = '')
value: str = ']'
class lkml.tree.RightCurlyBrace(value: 'str' = '}', line_number: 'Optional[int]' = None, prefix: 'str' = '', suffix: 'str' = '')
value: str = '}'
class lkml.tree.SyntaxNode

Abstract base class for members of the parse tree that have child nodes.

abstract accept(visitor: Visitor) Any

Accepts a Visitor that can interact with the node.

The visitor pattern allows for flexible algorithms that can traverse the tree without needing to be defined as methods on the tree itself.

abstract property children: Tuple[SyntaxNode, ...] | None

Returns all child SyntaxNodes, but not SyntaxTokens.

abstract property line_number: int | None

Returns the line number of the first SyntaxToken in the node

class lkml.tree.SyntaxToken(value: str, line_number: int | None = None, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '')

Stores a text value with optional prefix or suffix trivia.

For example, a syntax token might represent meaningful punctuation like a curly brace or the type or value of a LookML field. A syntax token can also store trivia, comments or whitespace that precede or follow the token value. The parser attempts to assign these prefixes and suffixes intelligently to the corresponding tokens.


The text represented by the token.




Comments or whitespace preceding the token.




Comments or whitespace following the token.



accept(visitor: Visitor) Any

Accepts a visitor and calls the visitor’s token method on itself.

format_value() str

Returns the value itself, subclasses may modify the value first.

line_number: int | None = None
prefix: str = ''
suffix: str = ''
value: str
class lkml.tree.Visitor

Abstract base class for visitors that interact with the parse tree.

abstract visit(document: DocumentNode) Any
abstract visit_block(node: BlockNode) Any
abstract visit_container(node: ContainerNode) Any
abstract visit_list(node: ListNode) Any
abstract visit_pair(node: PairNode) Any
abstract visit_token(token: SyntaxToken) Any
lkml.tree.items_to_str(*items: Any) str

Converts each item to a string and joins them together.

lkml.visitors module

class lkml.visitors.BasicTransformer

Bases: Visitor

Visitor class that returns a new tree, modifying the tree as needed.

visit(node: DocumentNode) DocumentNode
visit_block(node: BlockNode) BlockNode
visit_container(node: ContainerNode) ContainerNode
visit_list(node: ListNode) ListNode
visit_pair(node: PairNode) PairNode
visit_token(token: SyntaxToken) SyntaxToken
class lkml.visitors.BasicVisitor

Bases: Visitor

Visitor class that calls the _visit method for every node type.

This class doesn’t actually do anything when visiting a tree other than traverse the nodes. It’s meant to be used as a base class for building more useful and complex visitors. For example, override any of the visit_ methods for node-type specific behavior.

visit(document: DocumentNode)
visit_block(node: BlockNode)
visit_container(node: ContainerNode)
visit_list(node: ListNode)
visit_pair(node: PairNode)
visit_token(token: SyntaxToken)
class lkml.visitors.LookMlVisitor

Bases: BasicVisitor

Converts a parse tree into a string by casting every node.