.. lkml documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jan 6 19:01:01 2021. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. highlight:: python lkml ==== A speedy LookML parser and serializer implemented in pure Python. Why should you use lkml? * Tested on **over 160K lines of LookML** from public repositories on GitHub * Parses a typical view or model file in < **10 ms** (excludes I/O time) * Written in pure, modern Python 3.7 with **no external dependencies** * A **full unit test suite** with excellent coverage Interested in contributing to lkml? Check out the `contributor guidelines `_. Have a question, feature request, or bug report? Submit an issue `on GitHub `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 install simple cli advanced lkml Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`